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Goodbye forever
I don't belong here
I don't belong anywhere people made that clear
I won't be on
I won't be on any kind of social media i have

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I'm bored

YOU KNOW WHAT THIS! THIS IS WHY I KINDA HATE YOU!.. you never try to do anything! You just run and hide. Joking about cutting WHAT THE HELL! And if you "don't" want to hurt me THEN LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY for once!

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

-talk to me I try to talk to people when they're upset etc and no I won't ignore you

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

One. If you were sorry I would of believed you not talking to me AFTER you said that whole "killing animals" thing for a few days maybe even a week I don't know because I kinda don't care but at the same time I do. If you WERE sorry you would of tried to

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

-him and they meant to do that. We also had a lot of animals dead we didn't even do anything to them

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

Listen.. I've been kinda having little panic attacks when I talk to you. And the whole you and your brother killing your pets.. really made me uncomfortable and sick.. the only reason why it did that was because we had a cat and a man or woman ran over hi

6 years ago   Reply

I don't know I'm bored

Yeah.. even tho I'm tired I'm probably gonna stay up like I always do

6 years ago   Reply

anul -> luna

Phoenix. Thanks and sorry I didn't get back to you. I wasn't feeling well and I wasn't on that much. But again thank you and I think that you're very talented

6 years ago   Reply

I'm bored

Tato we kinda need to talk

6 years ago   Reply

My brother's dog had a nail/claw going into his front paw

Oh. I know that me and some of my brothers are walking heaters. So basically we don't get that cold in winter. And it also could be because I always wear hoodies etc.. and oh

6 years ago   Reply