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S o r r y. Deleting most of my content. Unfollow me. To lazy to delete rest
19 Following 29 Follower
Can I give you a hug?
Thank you Bendy and Snow! I feel better now!
*pulls Skar into hug anyways*
*pulls you and bendy into a very tight hug* *sniffs*
"Want a Balloon...?~"
I dare him to say his BEST pickup line
Taking requests for anyone who is still awake?
Ok star but uh. Can I have your colour scheme? Post it on your account or something tell me when you’re finished.
Request #1
Hello Potato! I’m Bubble! Lovely to meet you!
No problem!
Okk after I finish Zig Diamonds picture!
Do you want it coloured in or just the outline?
Yee of course!
Aah! *yanks hand away* Bad Monster! Bad bad monster!
Me too!
{ Deleting later }
Ye Krystiline. This is penny-heaven
You actually saved it? Bruh
Pen is a better
You use a stylus!? Ooh fancay.. I used meh finger
Touch chart
Aw thanks! *insert Lenny face*
I put crush/lover cos I’m not dating anyone :/ *cough*findmeaboyfriendorgirlfriend*cough*
*tips over* oOF