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Hello! Im Lizy, I'm from México my dad is from México and my mom it's from U.S.A

26 of april of 2018

I love the snow and i have 1 brother and 1 sisther
Q:Ur female?
Q:U have brother or sisther in the game?
Q:U hate?
A:Fan girls and fan boys
Q:U have friends?
A:I dont know
A:Wtfff idk :/
Q:No more?
❄❄❄ ¡¡ BYE!! ❄❄❄

13 Following     28 Follower


Grim,s full body

I know -w- guess what u have so much fangirls and the question is ''¿Why u have fangirls?''

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

((I dont know (< •_•)>◇

6 years ago   Reply


X123Monster Guess What, idk a person like me ~,_,~ because im confused

6 years ago   Reply

Grim,s full body

I see all ur draws and i like it :3

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

((Solap my face- yes -//-))

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

Wh((Pdf like like ))

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

(( i know ur my best friend but i...i...[l--i--k--e--] u ;/))

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

((Well..i going tell u what happened))

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

((Kiwwu, I need to tell u something...i have a draw a Picture and i want to talk to u))

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

Marcos:Done..now Lets go sleep..

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

Marcos:no u need to go sleep..i going clean this ...ok?..

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

Marcos: i will clean this..

6 years ago   Reply

New OC :D Her name is Kate :3

Marcos: calm u can co in the room.

6 years ago   Reply