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oooo evaporates
The rest of rating has been cancelled due to me making people sad over my honesty
No it’s not your fault. They asked for an honest opinion and they get mad over it, it’s on them. Although it’s understandable if you’d want to stop after that. Take care of yourself
They’re not mistreating people either, they’re just being honest. There is a fine line between being honest and being a toxic person. You need to understand how to understand criticism if you’re commenting on things like this.
Do you see how unreasonable you are right now? You asked for someone’s honest opinion and get mad when they’re being honest. You’re getting worked up over an honest statement. Not everything is gonna go how you planned it to be.
Dude chill they were just being honest, if you can’t take criticism then you shouldn’t comment
If that’s what you keep claiming then alright then. I’m still suspicious about this, considering the fact that you forgot every time is strange to me. I’d like to end the roleplay here then. ))
But this time you remembered it? I did in fact ask but his dwarfism was never mentioned once until now? ))
But you still did describe the injury on his wing. It’s just a little suspicious to me, we’ve roleplayed multiple times too? Did you forget to mention this everytime? ))
But you started by introducing him by describing his physical appearance. So you forgot his physical appearance after about 3 lines of roleplay? ))
Except there wasn’t much happening in the roleplay, you were also describing his physical appearance. There were also times where you described his wounds as well when we were roleplaying other things. Remember, Lucas was a brand new oc of yours. When you introduced him you forgot after roleplaying with him a bit? I apologize if I worded that rudely. ))
If I remember correctly you mentioned a new oc named Lucas. The roleplay when he was introduced was just people arriving, there wasn’t much going on yet either. You also mentioned when his wings were injured, if you were describing his physical appearance. Wouldn’t you have remembered about his dwarfism? ))
Can I ask why I wasn’t informed of this? You did say it was a part of his character so you would’ve remembered this time correct? ))
Seem convenient, but I’m talking about when we started rping together. It wasn’t mentioned and Lucas was just created if I’m correct ))
No it’s fine, it’s just I’m confused on how you would’ve forgotten that you know? Since you created him and planned for him to have dwarfism you would’ve remembered something like that ))
Did you forget about that or? If he had dwarfism when he was created it would be an important part of his character ))
That seems kinda important to mention, I have nothing against it. It’s just that I’m surprised? ))