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Yo! I love OPPaIS~ and chicken. Favourite dere:TSUNDERE et YANDERE ET DANDERE
Favourite food:chicken and chicken noodle soup and lasagna
Hobbies: loves to make manga( has a whole series) loves playing the drums,ukelele,guitar and piano
Gender: UNKOWN

13 Following     6 Follower

Natsu and Ace

You understand The STRUGGLES then Kateslimelie xD

6 years ago   Reply


I'm THAT tile ;)

6 years ago   Reply

I had to reopload to fix it

God forbid if anyone DOESNT LIKe you, Jesus will ALWAYS LOVE YOU ;)

6 years ago   Reply

Red locus

OW me GOwSH me LOvE thissss!!!!!

6 years ago   Reply

Natsu and Ace

Ohh~ this is really good~ I can't draw well on this since this app is on me phone lol

6 years ago   Reply

Eating Kitkat

Ooooh~ I really like~

6 years ago   Reply