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Hello! I am a male, I love art, my favorite youtuber is theboxofficeartist, my favorite sport is soccer, I am 11 years old, I was born in 2008. I update quickly, I guess. And my goal(s) for followers are,
10, ✔
and 350.
My very first follower was yazi yt, Sorry if I spelt your name wrong. And i live in Georgia, and i can't tell you my address. But I can tell you that my name starts with a j. And my last name is adams, yes adams not addams, their is a difference.
My favourite game is easily AnimeMaker. My favorite movie is, meet the Robinson's. I like it because it just has a lot of creativity. And my favorite Anime is... SOUL EATER! 😊. And my favorite emoji is:👌. Why? Because everything's going to be ok. And I love being helpful, i am not just putting this i really love helping people. My goals in life are:
To become the best person I can be.
To be the first in my family to go to college.
And to support my family.
To you thous might not sound like goals but for me they mean everything.
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And to let you know just because I didn't repost any of the your the peanut to my butter stuff doesn't mean I don't love my followers, trust me I love every single one of my followers, because looking on here and seeing someone new followed me brightens up my whole day cause it makes me feel, appreciated and noticed. And those two words aren't the only words to describe how I feel and if I told you all the words to describe it you would die of old age before you finish. So I guess I can now say talk soon.😉

My name is joseph


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