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This channel occasionally has gore art or humor that people under 13 (or above 13 if you're a chicken) may find uncomfortable. However, most of the time it's pretty PG rated stuff. Enjoy your stay.

When I leave the app one day I hope you remember all the times I forgot I had an account


Age: 15
Gender: Male
Actual name: Collin
Joined: 8/31/2016
Skill level: I can draw a piece of toast
About me: I'm an artist, an author, I home school, I play soccer, and love all of my followers and I want you all to know that no matter what I still love each compliment I get so thank you all ^^
also leader of the ACA on AnimeMaker (anti-cyberbullying army)

"What if when you die and you see the light it’s actually you being birthed in a hospital to a new life and the reason you come out crying is because you know you just died- and as you grow older you forget your memories from your past life and when you get déjà vu if because you’ve experienced that situation in your past life" -autocorrect sucks 2019

Oc's: Me, Jeff (pet), Lily (pet), my brain, and my dot (pet). (there's also the dead Shrug guy. He will be missed) (R.I.P. Shrug Guy :( -Auto) (also Kevin the forgotten oc)
Discord: MinerMaster#6175
Xbox (no, I don't have an actual xbox lol, this is for connecting and playing games together): xXMinerMaster05

"I’d prolly just like, go to Starbucks and get a tall cup of water with extra whip" -auto 2019
Crush: you ;)
Friends: Anyone who doesn't hate on me but mostly those who support me :)

2019 Objective: Fill the popular this week area with just my animations. Progress: 12/12! OH MY GOD I DID IT
2020 Objective: Reach 3000 followers YESS WE DID IT BOIS
2021 Objective: defeat coronavirus

Amount of won challenges: 8

I hope you find my animations entertaining, and I'll never stop appreciating the love I get on my animes. Try to find yourself at home with the channel - I know I am :)))

(Okay, I'd like to make it clear I have nothing to do with mining, despite my name. I use it as my Minecraft username and use it for everything else, too. I just like how it sounds.)

Follower goal: 5800

I typed out the following in a normal font so people can see some of the letters that I couldn't on tablet:

Think you're so cool? -The boy you just called chubby? He is on a diet. -The girl you just called horrible face? ... She spends hours putting makeup on hoping the people will like her. -The boy you tripped? He is abused enough. -See that man with the horrible scars? ... He fought for is country. -That guy you just made fun of for crying? ... His mother is dying. -That kid you just made fun of for being bald? ... He has cancer. -Put this on your status if you're against bullying. (copy and paste)

Don't forget to love yourself, and have a great day


3 Following     16 Follower