Bird legends @life

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So this is a channel that isn’t serious I like to make bad animations because I’m bad at drawing LIKE HOW DO YOU DRAW WITH YOUR FINGER.
We don’t have any story we just like to try and make people enjoy our content.
When I say we I mean myself just to seem like I have a group and friends but I don’t.
10 complete
20 dares
50 shoutout to 5 people
100 change profile to whatever first comment says
200 q&a
500 I draw 10 old followers
Me: insert info here
Berd: got his head stuck in a computer once eats chips and likes playing “Bad game with bags new VIP 1”
Random man 56: is unknown all we know is he escaped from his code in a game and has never been seen again.
Anyways enjoy this bad content sincerely, Bird Legends @life AKA bird master


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