Scruffy (member of dynamic furrys) (member of the peeps)

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Hello! How's your day? I don't know what to put here (forgot my old account password the other scruffy one) i like minecraft and Roblox and fnaf
I have anger issues

also im a furry

Favorite animals: dog cat wolf
Ocs: SCRUFFY: is from texas. dislikes karens, the dark. likes being alone, things that smell good, and sleeping, slowed down undertale music, fire, destroying things, drawing .
ROX: from texas. dislikes light, and people just standing menacingly. likes darkness, creating things
TERRILN: from: New York. Likes/dislikes: likes: things dieing, sad music, glowing objects, dislikes: scammers, heights,
MILO: a old animatronic from papas pizza ria. Broken voicbox has a guitar.
Name: (redacted)
(Redacted) information: subject does not need food or water to live subject is 11 feet tall subject will kill if angered
DERIL: likes/dislikes likes: apples, haveing fun, building, food. dislikes: karens, darkness

from: the planet snelin

also kinds an alien
Likes/dislikes: likes: flying, banana. Dislikes: rox, Karen's, mean people
I'm a introvert who gets bullied

if you dont like furries get off of my account page

i have 0 freinds

( )

I may say bad words sometimes

my charecter is a wolf

im from texas

Also I'm mr animator

My name on roblox is winston_ronadlin
Status: sad like always


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