I am 10 years old .
I love anime maker because it can drawing.
I love everiting in this anime maker.
Same thing is very spesial in this anime maker.
I have a 6 happy fammily and I very love my family.
My dad is working and my mom is making a dinner,delisios.
I have 2 brhother and my brhother allways on a computer.
And i have 1 little sisterthe name is JANICE,so i play with my little sister .
I love my family😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚
my little sister's birthday is on 17-02-2016
My birthdays on 05-06-2011
My brhoter(number1) birthdays on 27-02-2003
My brhoter(number2) birthdays on 05-08-2007
My mother birthdays on 29-04-1977
My father birthdays on 14-11-1974
And all my family not dead yet .
I wish i can be the greates drawer ever!