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Profile pic made by 10101010 Go follow her! She has very nice drawings and is very kind!

Hello! You probably came from a comment I posted...or idk lol BUT ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSS! I'm tryna follow everybody. :) BUT! I will not follow to any haters or any mean people. I wanted to draw stuff and then found this app but I didn't know dat its kinda like social media...BUT ITS COOOOOOL OK?! I won't post my drawings that much online for the sake of my sensitivity of haters. But hate if you hate! You just aren't happy with your own life or the way that you are. I want to follow everybody I can but I'm not tryna do it to gain followers and be famous. Just want to have some fun. Also! I usually always reply to comments. If I don't reply right away, that means I'm busy. But I assure you I'll always respond within 24 hours.

Name: Lia
Nickname: peanut (but plz don't call me that)
Age: :l seriously??? Fine. I go to middle school ok? 😑
Hair color: blackish brownish that weirdly gets lighter on the edges- scary ikr
Eye color: dark dark dark brown (CUZ THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BLACK EYES! Or I think there's 1% of people that have actual black eyes)

I have a 5 year old sis

BTW I may get a bit angry if u insult somebody/me or say some mature content stuff. There are kids on anime maker.

...........♥ #######Put This On Your Page#####♥
..............♥##If You Love Someone#########♥



Oh ye lol my cousin is on anime maker (we have a bond like sisters) her parents took her phone away from her for a while....her name is ⚽𝑀𝒶𝓎-𝑀𝒶𝓎⚽ btw......

Update: Anddddd she decided to quit cuz she forgot her password.

So yeeees thats all imma share with yall
Hope ya guys don't hate me.


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