Emelia Kirk 🌈

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I'm 16 years old, asexual and created the dragons that you see on my page. When I was 9, I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

My likes: pizza, Lindor truffles, Dragons, Bluey, Disney, my fans, jokes, rainbows, doughnuts, PANCAKES (deep breath) fashion, the colour pink, sleeping, swimming, my electric scooter and my bed.

My dislikes: haters, cyber-bullying, haters(already said that), people who hate on my followers, idiots, my sister, vegetables (don't we all?), socks and sandals, sand in the underwear

I'm British and a single pringle

I murder the haters... 😈🔪

Now playing: Soldier of heaven by Sabaton

Follower count
60. ☑️Contest!
70☑️ new friend
80 ☑️challenge from YouTube
100☑️ big party.

200 Prank-a-thon with sapphire + face reveal

107 Following     113 Follower