Millie the generic red toaster👌

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Name: just call me Millie>:33

Age: Noooope!!!

Likes/loves: Mason the generic red toaster👌, Friends, family, nice people, kids/children (THEY CUTTEEEE), Pizza pockets>:3333,

Hates/Dislikes: mean people, fake friends, rude family members, Hurt kids/children, Cold pizza pocketsXP,

Favourite animal: Bear:000 (they cute:3)

Favourite food: Pizza pockets ofc>:3333

Favourite drink: Vitamin water dragon fruit flavour:3

Go follow Mason the generic red toaster👌 please>:3333333

My sexualitys are:
Pansexual. (Loves everything and everyone as long as they love me back)

Polysexual. (Loves more then one person at the same time)


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