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So if you think I’m a furry no I’m not!
I’m in 5th grade and I’m only 10
If you ask what’s my height or number I’m going to block and report you even on Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, XBOX, PC, and other.
Please don’t ask again if I’m a furry the answer is…….. NOOOOOOOOO!
Now I like cats and dogs and other animals I don’t kill people if you think so.
I like making animes and ars and even crafts. Just still dong keep saying anything about me, since my sister has 7.5k subs on her channel called @SimplyKens but if this is not YouTube we can’t show our face but can draw our face so goodbye and have a awesome day :)
Fun Fact : I Speak partly British. (Working on speaking English kinda) but live in America currently.
Uhmmm I changed my name for update
Born: January 28, 2013
Age: 10
Alive Or Dead? I’m alive tysm :)
Year joined: 2023
Tysm for visiting the book bye 👋


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