Cherry Animations (🔴)

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I apparently make animations
List of what I could be doing:
🔴: Offline
☀️: Woke up and is online
🟢: Online
🟡: barely online
🔵: playing but also online
🟠: Barely online but playing a game
🟥: Taking a very long break
🟦: Taking A Break but also kinda online
⚪️: Online but AFK from 2-10 minutes
🕹️: Playing a Game ( I spend almost 3 hours on sometimes )

Things you should know:
1. You can follow me if u like and I appreciate what option you want
2. If I’m ever online but don’t post a lot I’m either doing fan art for no reason if I’m bored or scrolling on other posts or doing a project on this account
3. My biggest goal to achieve is a 100 followers but idk if we could make it tho but if we can’t I still have some ppl which is basically the same a bit

61 Following     61 Follower