W や h ら i は t が

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Hello! My name is Whitney but I recommend calling me Whit. I am 15 years old from the UK, and I’ll get into my q&a:

How old are you? Answered already, 15, turning 16 soon.

Your birthday date? 2nd January. Which means I’m a Capricorn. If I start ranting, please take it as a trait of mine, I’m not in any serious harm .,.

Ask me more questions on my posts <3

Crush: Not developed yet
Husband: Well, I don’t have a crush so that decreases the chance of getting this rank

Likes: Anime, Manga (I have a few popular manga books, etc. My hero academia, naruto and more) monochrome, Powerade and isotonic drinks. Possibly more.

Dislikes: Pizza (it’s just bread and cheese with some toppings) Jam, Morning allergies because they trigger everyday and makes me sound disgusting, sports, being in photos, chocolates and candy/sweets

I also like kid entertainers so I can win all the candy and give it to all the kids so they can kick back whilst I work super hard. Being a Capricorn is hard work, yknow lol

Look out for challenges aswell because once my profile gets a bit popular I will ask you guys to do some simple challenges such as draw this in your style and stuff so yeah look out for that

People who read this to the bottom, thanks <3

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