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Hi I'm Two!

I'm from Philippines btw lol.

Original Username: ThePowerOfTwo!! (Owner of the Team Sleep Paralysis Demons) (Legendary Member of The 😎🔫 Gang) (Legendary Member of TheAmongUsTwoPointO' Gang) { Description: Call me Cringey, I'll call you caik ;) } [2] follow you

That Username is too long so i wouldn't do it in my Username. Sometimes you have your username pretty ugly or beautifully designed lol.

When i see The Long Description:

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla-bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla.

Uhh maybe that's a weird story?
Idk but it's looks like an Important thing that people made from the Subtitles of the Video.

Seems like I'd ready to read the whole story lol.

My list of Emojis :

My Emoji 1:

My Emoji 2:

My Emoji 3:

My Emoji 4:

Nσɯ ρʅαყιɳɠ: “Every All BFB Style Intros„

“0:17 ━❍──────── -1:01”, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%"

Nσɯ ρʅαყιɳɠ: “2 meets angry dorito triangle ball „

“0:57 ━━❍──────── -2:45”, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆80%"

Nσɯ ρʅαყιɳɠ: “Two Screaming 1 (DEEP FRIED LOUD)„

“0:40 ━❍──────── -2:50”, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅ 55%"

Nσɯ ρʅαყιɳɠ: “Kalokohan Animation of Minecraft Topic Series (Part 1 - 20)„

“5:46 ━❍──────── -1:45:46”, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%"

Nσɯ ρʅαყιɳɠ: “Evolution of Windows From 1665 - 2021„

“24:56 ━━━❍────── -1:07:56”, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳↺
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 90%"

Sponsor me:


Call me Cringey, and I'll call you caik.

I'm wanted to say that I'm Awesome, Cool and I'm a Reaaally Normal Good Drawer here in Anime Maker so pls follow and thx!

Btw I make Post but sometimes Animation and i really want to make it but it's hard and I'm too lazy to make so i make talking people or sometime and idk what to say or maybe you read this pls Follow me and i really want my Followers not to go back my main account due to hack of nothing lol.

Admin is dangerous or maybe wasn't. :^/

And im not jacknjelly btw

Im the Owner of the Team Sleep Paralysis Demon i can ruin there own dream their self to repeat the function of the brain to control over the human mind.

Also i rob people's mind and i can stop people by moving around or having take some sleep while dreaming about your weirdest Stupidest Dream you ever seen lol.

But sometimes it happened myself in Real Life when i was 8yo below and having an anxiety animation of dreams while at night lol.

Are you scared just like me?😈😈😈😈😈

Join my group!!!😈😈😈😈😈

My Group:

Group Info (¡)

Members: 2
Loyal Members: 0
Epic Members: 0
Legendary Member: 0
Leaders: 0
Recruiters: 1
The Real Demons: 0
King of the Sleep Paralysis: 0

Religion: †‹‡Paralasism‡›†

Team i joined in:

“The 😎🔫 Gang„
“TheAmongUsTwoPointO' Gang„

I'll update this Profile Descriptions of my Post Game every single post of updates ok?

Hi welcome to my Game! There's few updates btw for people who wants to join? So you wanna Joi to? Thx for joining me btw ¦>

Created At: February 2, 2021
Published At: February 3, 2021
Updated At: February 7, 2021
Abounded At: February 9, 2021
Players: 20
Likes: 34
Dislikes: 7

Game Rules:


• If you say the Country Name, I'll make a new Countryball to pick the random spot near water area for a place to live in life.
• Post a Flag in your Post or I'll make my Flag myself.
• If you don't want a Country Name your thinking of, then I'll make a Country Name for you!!
• There will be Random spot to place the Port, when your country will be expanded.
• If you reach the Mountains, i will put the Mines I the Randomly hill in your land.
• There will be a Realistic Chance to get the Lumberjack Area or a Tower to be claim as an Capital City.
• There will be 2 Trade routes or more routes for Trade route connection.
• There's a Low chance to get the Oil Rig Area so keep in mind you'll gonna get one for my friends to enjoy transport oils! :D
• Don't forget your Countryball Size is your Population!
• Btw it's just a Prespective Scale of your Size of the Countryball becuz the amount of draws and undo will may probably change amount of Megabytes to Gigabytes but I'll not gonna supposed to change my SD Card untill it stack up to full.

• Goodluck!!

Country Names (with Population) :

1. The Power Two of Republic (140, 300)
2. Shiro Republic (150, 600)
3. Napaj (70, 500)
4. Blue Land (201, 500)
5. Indoy Republic (70, 200)
6. The Republic of Warlus (70, 700)
7. Switikash (50, 500)
8. Among The Republic (50, 600)
9. MEMU of Play (47, 500)
10. Republic of Piglover563 (20, 300)
11. Shaluub (16, 500)
12. Top Hat of Peace Treaty Republic (17, 800)
13. Bacon City (15, 600)
14. Cyan States of Among Us (15, 700)
15. Greedy Republic (11, 500)
16. Poland (10, 400)
16. Amongcratic Republic (5, 700)
17. Animator Land (5, 000)

New Countries (Maxinum Newly Added Countries: 5) :


• Note: If there's enough space for land. I'll make a new Land for enough space to live for a place.

My Emojis:



My Goals:

10 Followers ✔️ “Animations (Hacked)„
20 Followers ✔️ “Fresh Post„
30 Followers ✔️ “Memes„
40 Followers ✔️ “TheDrawingOfTwo!!„
50 Followers ✔️ “TheArtsOfTwo!!„
60 Followers ✔️ “Countryball Conquest RP„
70 Followers ✔️ “Kalokohan (translate to English btw)„
80 Followers ✔️ “Weird Stuff„

[Warning]: I'll delete some random posts becuz i don't like it to appear.

If you see this please make sure you're gonna be able to unfollow me and don't do it but sometimes is free and make sure you check to follow me and i put “follow you„ in the username to extend more and i hate long usernames and ended up a stupid rubbish little freaky username I've ever got on AnimeMaker so make sure your followed and have fun! 🙂😃😗😀😌😏😄😁😉😘😊

I have liked the Emojis and My Emojis too so try it yourself making them :)

Ello!! If you follow me, I'll follow you!

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Memes makes your life Plausibility 👌🤣😆😂👍,
School makes your life Smarter 🏫🤓📚,
Luck makes your life Better 👌😜😉🤞,
Memories makes your life Memorable 📒📑📚💻🖥️🖨️⌨️🖱️📱🔋💾📽️🎬 -> 📕📖📜📠📟🖲️💡💽🎥🎞️,
Games makes your life Awesome 👏🤩🤑😎👍,
Peace makes your life Peaceful 👌✌️👍,
Hard makes your life Harder 😥😨😰😓,
Life makes your life a Life 🙃🙂😉😊😇,
Trouble makes your life in-Trouble 🤪🤯🤮🤧😵😭😫😤.

Copy, Paste if you like your Life.

So, u just you'd like to see more Emojis than what i suppose to make right? Cool or Nice and Awesome that the fact that pretty awesome!

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