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About Me!

Green eyes

Blonde hair


Mhm ya


Seriously aborning As Hell
Pls like
Pls dont post rude or harassing comments kid friendly here 😇
😤 pls don’t Say ur bad well idc
I hope ur doing well with this pandemic 😷😃
It’s stupid COVID is here 😣😢
But we all have to deal with it 😔

Maybe a lot of flashing bc I’m such a big bozo I don’t care if people get hurt 😨 ⣴⣶⣿⠿⢿⣶⣶⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀ ⠀

/me/ demon/wolf/sigma alpha .,.
Claus sharp teeth black fur blue and red eyes 😃btw not being racist with the black ya know
Strong shy ☺️
In love with shiva she a winter wolf 🐺🥰
Nerdy bullied nice helpful
Weak smol bean

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