Blood On My Nose

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account: Blood On My Nose - 5/Ap/2022
I have become an expert at lying, I always disengage and disappear, I hate it so much that I don't want to be the center of attention, I want to be free and be able to speak normally, I am a clown for everything, I just want to see you happy, throw me on the ground and strangle me, I will understand. I'm an idiot, look here is my heart, please accept... I'm sorry, I'm very ecstatic or just a lot of sugar, I can spend all day with a screen in my face but I don't know about video games or anything else... I'm just a loser a while ago I felt like the bruise and the skin rotted that day I found myself like that, please I just want a hug and die in your arms boy
Blood Blood Blood 🩸🩹

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