Walt_disney FAN

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I'm a girl, I love horror games and thing (fav YouTuber guava juice also wasabi production) and as you can tell I love Disney thing and movies and him his self . I have a bad side called glitch (^~^)I'm a geek and weird

------–--------------------------------------------------------------------//----/--------------------------------------about me
:fav color is greenish blue
:age , not telling you :(
Things I like : I like help I got people I'm a geek , tom boy, and I'm a weirdo
Don't like: mean people ,people that are sassy, and people that are inappropriate and that say bad words
About glitch/my bad side
Fav color:purple lol
Age: ????? Unknown
About: can turn in to any one, likes tricking people ,funny, has no gender, smart but not a nerd,
Doesn't like : people that get in his/her way ,flowers .

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