Kyle ( ok I am finally an OC account yeShhhh!)

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I have to re- write this again...

Hi I'm Kyle...

Q and A I guess..

Fave colour:red red red red red red red red red and some more red
Fave move:ummmm idk justice legue?
Fave ppl: Blue Furrie✺,/////////,,,Veronica./////////...Sky~Gender:Female~Crush:Leaf~Friends:Snowy and Katie~Scared no one likes her~hates: her friends getting bullied or haters~Likes: Nice people and Friends////////
I don't have friends.. Well not a lot anyway.
Fave animal:wolf wolf wolf and some more wolf
Fa- oK THatS ENOgh IdC To Do THe REsT!

Veronica is my crush

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Now ocs:
Cameron:likes no one
Lucifer:likes gale
Daemon:likes Xaiver (did I spell it right) (I don't think I did) (whoops) (sorry if I spelt it wrong)
Jinx:likes no one yet
oK YE I haven't done many ocs yet..

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(I coppied some stuff of Veronica's page)

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