This is how ive been feeling for 1 week and 3 days
I rlly do feel like this so pls dont try to hurt me more then i am hurt right now
If you cant read quick ill say it in the description so what happend was that im united with my d...
I was basiclly wearing the suit of labbit which is the daughter of lol bit and white rabbit
Remeber we gotta pay the bills in 4 weeks so pls sub to britney gacha girl is here cause if you d...
Pls subscribe to britney gacha girl is here cause we might lose our house
Hi my yt is britney gacha girl is here im telling you to sub cause since my dad went to work in t...
Any name!!! Comment and like!
How many frames do you think is in this scene? if you get correct i give you a shout out
If you ever lost somebody dont forget about them forget about there death and the things that mak...