MY CRUSH WAS AT THE POOL WITH ME! But...i yelled him who his crush is and his response was...NO O...
MEH IS A- : a pervert b coward or c retarded - MEH IS A everything I’m a coward a perv and I’m re...
I was so bored I went on anime maker and DYED my CHARACTER HAIr..
I’m doing fan art you can comment something I can draw or I can draw you 💋 hope you enjoy blind a...
I’m doing some fan art if you like comment down something you want me to draw and I can draw you ...
I just stepped on a lego and my foot is bleeding and it stopped bleeding but there a fricking hol...
I’m logging out in ROBLOX so when someone give you a request accept it
I’m half spanish because my dad is but I don’t know how to speak Spanish
I need to get likes but I never do why tho?
This is not normal but it’s not sunburn so idk what it is then