Hey how’s y’all doing? I won’t be here for long my mom wants me to go to lots of places, like alw...
How y’all are doing today?! :3 also me going to doctors in le bit .O.
Yeah he has weak spots too :p ( but he doesn’t talk much .m. )
How’s everyone doing?! :3 also sorry for leaving earlier like that- uhhh stuff meh mom told me to...
Done with school for today, and ummmmmm tomorrow I will be going to the doctors for uhhhh stuff l...
Be back soon y’all, going to the store with my mama and siblings, be back soon or tomorrow idk le...
Because, 7 got the most votes, UwO, ( don’t worry, there will be more flower oc’s coming soon, so...
Ima let y’all pick which one, the name with the most votes on it will be his name, :3
From playground :3
I got a stomachache from drinking something my little sister made for me .m....
Me is le back at home with my mommy now, :p so how is y’all doing today?! .D. ❤️💚❤️😊
2 hours until me go on boat to go back home to me mama .O.
Me is wear costume ÛwÛ yus :b
He is the toy monkey- but Thorn call’s him sir nana ( because Thorn can’t say banana the right wa...
My big brother woke me up super early in the morning.... for me this was early........ and then l...