So uhh I kinda cant fall in love i mean i can but I probably will never so im asking cuz you gott...
If you want to ofcourse and pls dont be mean to him he hever animated
If you didn't know I was on a training camp that's why I didn't upload. Anyway im going home tomo...
Not really but now I'm on a trening camp in real life ofcourse I have a lot o traning I train mar...
Where are you from if you don't want to share its fine
There are 8 pieces so pick a number of a slice and put it in a comment so I know who eat the pizz...
She can use spears and bombs and little lightings on her enemies
He can use fire magic and he can shoot it and use it as a shield
I'll make it better someday but I need to practise
It's not real demon it's more like a creature.
I made it for citie to rate from 0 to 10 its basi...
This is not any kid of stealing or anything like that we already talked about this and I only mad...