I been drawing kittydogs ocs at school I will post a drawing of one of them on youtube. Also hi
Why the hell would you care about me...
I just wanna go home...
To u all...
I still have my battle wonds... to many... Too many tears... too many cuts..
Thanks guys :)...
Just listening to music, music calms me
Sorry... I haven't felt like myself... so I been upset... really..really...upset
MMmmMmm sHe mY fAVoRiTE cHaRaCTEr
This game is nice.
N o r u n n i n g i n t h e h a l l
He is eddie oc ":3! (Yes there a account call eddie so ye-) this oc took my fucking power once >:...
I redesigned my self (again..) and I need a outfit:')