Just wondering:3
Ugh kill me-v-
Its a game... the one wo gets it richt
I will draw you^^
Yes, i do have glasses on. My glasses are the real color! Hope you like me!
He is cynda my new crush^^ i bed nowone is going to dare me out for dat
(Think so)
She likes to see a rainbow and love all the colors of the world!
I know its a strage qestion but i was wondering wo^^
I just whant to draw people cuz im bord and got noting to do + i like it ^^
Funny but at the same time creepy...
Just walking back from scool and you see dat 0,0
The two girls are sisters like me and angla the cat
Killing poop 2ick agen
Only whit my sword. XD
i dident do any dares yet so i tot lets do it NOW ;3 just ask me some dares