Luna The Stupid Norwegian A...
Today was: Toxic Blueberry! Yeeeee
Ok so with the birthday thing saying I'm 10, lol not true, I'm older. don't wanna give out inform...
Today was: FireFlame! Tomorrow will be: Toxic Blueberry
Today was: Swirl! I will do more
Today was: Dark! And I may be using them again
No Description
Turtle balloon animal Lol it sucks
My user is HoodedAlex
I dunno people have been doing this soooo why not I do it.
just look for yourself I'm that blind
So? How is it? Lol probably a bit edgy... Nawwww
Dude a lot of people use the art style OK
Its Build out machine Chara version, I'm freaking spamming the play button so hard my iPad broke,...