

Sorry for no color I didn’t know what colors were supposed to be on this. And also sorry if I did...

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31 views - 3 years ago


Hope I got it right =b

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93 views - 3 years ago


Hope it looks goodie ^w^?...

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48 views - 3 years ago



Repost don’t ask why eh.

I’m gonna go play Roblox or chat box for a bit... one of those two ga...

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59 views - 3 years ago


Is le done =b

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64 views - 3 years ago


So... how’s your day or night or whatever time it is for you been going?
Hope y’all have had a g...

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243 views - 3 years ago


Flowey is glitching right now,
This is what happens when Flowey stays up all night with...

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60 views - 3 years ago



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58 views - 3 years ago



Someone knocked me out TwT..

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59 views - 3 years ago


My gosh dang it..... I can’t sleep no matter what I try doing......EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER-

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49 views - 3 years ago


Hope I made this right.

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83 views - 3 years ago


Someone once asked me who is the baby Flowey’s mom?
This was asked earlier lel.
But the truth i...

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53 views - 3 years ago


Also I think that isn’t lemonade....🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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66 views - 3 years ago


Brushing my teeth is boring... -_-...

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73 views - 3 years ago


Flowey kinda misses his mommy. .m.
He wants a mommy again * le cry *
Is Toriel out there somewh...

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81 views - 3 years ago