Ask and dare! You can give any questions or dares to me, Henry, Justin, Oli, Angel, or Fitz! Noth...
Name: Justin
Age: 14
G: Male
S: Pansexual
- blind
- has a slight crush on Henry, but nobody ...
Name: Oli
Age: 14
G: Male
S: Straight (r.i.p. henry's chances)
- tall
- troublemaker
Name: Henry
Age: 14
G: Male
S: Gay
- has a crush on Oli
- prefers skirts over pants, and usu...
Name: Angel
Age: 21
G: Female
S: Bisexual
- has a secret crush on Fitz, which no one knows ma...
Name: Fitz
Age: 21
G: Female
S: Lesbian
- has an obvious crush on Angel, and she isn't afraid...
Pick the number you want to be if you want to be in it
Happy Fathers' Day, from the best dad in the universe, aka, Greg Universe
Real Name: Lucy
Age: Somewhere between 10 and 14, I'm fine with any of those lol
Loves: Sprinkl...
Song - Heathers the Musical - Damaged
I might finish this, do you think I should?
Age: 3
~ as small as a 2 year old, maybe younger
~ rides her large dog, Abby