

This place smells terrible 💀

27 views - 2 years ago


Not threw my kitchen floor, it was my fault he saw my brain so I'm going to fix it

68 views - 2 years ago



94 views - 2 years ago


With cat videos, I hope he doesn't hate me for what he saw-

32 views - 2 years ago


Time to put a eye patch on and- I don't know try and help roman with seeing the inside of my mind?

7 views - 2 years ago


No Description

13 views - 2 years ago


No Description

17 views - 2 years ago


The rooms base forms into different shapes

9 views - 2 years ago


A puddle is formed on the floor, there's a human face in it
Do you go in it?

16 views - 2 years ago


The room you choose is covered in scattered body parts
Kinda gross

6 views - 2 years ago


There's 3 doors
One leads out
One keeps going
One is unknown

3 views - 2 years ago


The room feels like you stepped into the russain woods, from how cold it is
The rose smell has f...

96 views - 2 years ago


The hole feels empty, like nothing was ever there, like a hole in reality
There's blood on the ...

133 views - 2 years ago


It's cold inside, cold air rushing out as it makes no sound like you stepped outside in winter th...

17 views - 2 years ago



19 views - 2 years ago


#Not aesthetic

5 views - 2 years ago