Now I’m wondering if I drink water or make my self hot chocolate
I literally heard the word forget and it triggered it so that’s fun
Cuddling with my comfort stu...
I say no if you don’t want to hang out them
So why this needs to be in discord is because if I open up like a big I guess server I don’t reme...
My little sister just said the definition of kidnapping is to capture and kill someone
I’m hiding in the bathroom with the door locked
And she just said she would kidnap me one day
I know a few people like to post things that aren’t ok and some people are toxic but overall this...
I do have a discord if any of you want to talk
I check it as frequently as I can and here it is:...
I tend to check things not on AM after posting things because it takes a bit for people to respon...
I don’t have one
I’m 17...
They know about my memory and no period problems and their being mean about it.
The got worst st...
And I literally asked out loud “I have a crush?”
And then I proceeded to laugh for about 2 minutes
I get a feeling and immediately start typing whatever I think
So I hope my words help even if I ...
Your doing so well and if you keep hanging on it’ll be worth your while
I’m here for you and jus...
I have major memory loss
I don’t even remember what I did half of today
I might forget that thi...
I have weak ankles so if I run I roll them
It’s to bad though
It’s wasted on me and not on others