My big brother woke me up early...... and yeah......
Actually I have been sleepy all day..... but yeah..... ima go eat dinner and probably fall asleep...
I might take a nap.... I’ve been up all night and yeah........ feeling it now lol....
Someone was being very very mean to me..... they were calling me mean names and said I was a self...
But....does anyone any chance.......... please.... ? <3 ...
Of MTT yus .D. It’s awful I know UoU but meh, .m. Lel,
Cotton has been climbing on Thorn’s head and hugging him and has been cuddling with him as much a...
To the playground with my big sis .D. Me happy be back later guys! .D. Love u all! ❤️💚❤️💚❤️😊
The little girl flower is named Cotton and she really likes Thorn, but Thorn doesn’t like her the...
Be back tomorrow I’m just sleepy and my everything hurts lol bye for now.,, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️