An animation that just popped in my head....not my best work but it's hard to draw on an iPod.
And xysmiles your not abandoned haha
Sorry I'm playing DJ Hero 2 and One Does Not Simply Pause A DJ Hero Game
Wow it's 9:50 PM where I am...and I'm still playing Xbox...haha
And these people don't know you, you don't know them and that's not a good reason to hate
I'm sure you'll meet a new girl :3 don't put yourself down :)
Killing yourself doesn't solve anything! It hurts your friends, family and your future....
Neon kitty haz idea! If anyone has her number please txt her or call her to make sure she's fine...
Why would a kid actually type weave....that's kinda suspicious...don't mean to be mean kid but yo...
EmoBunny even though I don't know you personally...I really wanna know if your okay....please be ...
EmoBunny please be okay...please....
Sorry if I sound irritating I'm just trying to make people feel better...haha
No need forgive let's all move on and stop being dramatic