Playful, and a great hider
Likes: Sugarcube and peppermints
Dislikes: Pinkyberry and Cotten ca...
I already have someone to ship him with
Pinkyberry: shipping us
Sugarcube: *thinks* SO F*CKING CUTE
Sugarcube: I’ll deal with it
* inhale
I blush easily and I don’t have a crush
I’m still up for a ship so...
Pinkyberry: thanks...
Sugarcube: your really cute today
Pinkyberry: th-thanks
Sin dares, clothing dares, and shipping me with an oc dares
Can you ship me with someone
(I mean a new oc. And please not your main oc)
Give it to someone else who I trust... or I would use it to enter America’s Got Talent
(The money)
‘Cause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn’t need. Chasing relentlessly, still fine and I don’...