Jedi Master Pierce Brooks a...
dat boi sus
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He's a really good singer and he used to live here in Britain but he moved to Australia so I don'...
Lol someone said it meant something else when I was younger to avoid me swearing and I've thought...
I was practicing diving or digging or whatever you want to call it in volleyball where you have t...
The term for it is gender-fluid, meaning I change my pronouns to whichever, non-binary is another...
I feel stuck and wrong and like, in the wrong place or something. I don't want to be a girl but I...
I love you so much, thank you guys! 80, wow, I never thought I'd be reaching this number! Thank y...
From now on, I'm referring to my oldest aunt (the one I'm talking about right now/ the 'transphob...
What does BTS stand for? Boy That Sing?? Dunno, just guessing.
Not the one I told you to wish a happy birthday, my other one. She was being mean to Sam Smith fo...
Also, at school we were doing a fake murder investigation about Romeo and Juliet, and when the te...
Draw a random fanfic face.
"Be a man."
What they can mean.
Real men don't cry. They're women they'll do what they like...
She said "Draw this face." And then she put a funny face next to it lol.
It's sorta like a Halloween themed requests thing.