I'm not ataying here because i want to, it's because i have to, i honestly don't know anyone irl ...
My account on hangouts is: Redthealienboiz@gmail.com if you wanna chat.
Sorry i was gone all day, i was really stressed out because of personal issues.
Crimson: Red went to her room so i'm taking over her ipad for a few minutes!
Please don't spam, and everyone is aloud to join.
She climbed out the window and now i cannot find her....
I'm back, my charger broke so i couldn't get on my ipad and just today we bought a charger
Thank you so much for more than 100 followers! I thank you all so much but thank you Rin especial...
I may have or may have not forgot the password to my new account...,,,,, so i'm just gonna stay h...