I just listening my first fav song but why.. It's getting.. Dark?
Drawing plantu while playing "better wash my mouth out with soap". Yea pretty like it and so dram...
Yea just wanna make sharko cooler, for the mini still.
You can draw the mini (white shark with r...
Spot 1 - HazimAnimator (Taked)
Spot 2 - C.C (Taked)
Spot 3 -
Spot 4 - philippineball (taked)
Sharko(mini) : MIINNEE
from the third Pancasila Indonesian text "Unity Indonesia" and "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" means "even...
Danet gives Balley slenderman costume.
Draw a costume for her and if it's done, comment "here the costume!"
Balley accepted who first comment
She/he confused to choose a gender so she/he let you to pick one.
Balley! He/she accept that name!