I have a busy day tomorrow 10:00,11:00,15:00, and 16:00
This was me when I got into the second fight before I got out in jail. I black out in fights or m...
I taught myself how to pronounce my L’s
“Larry Lays Large Lazy Lizards, How Many Large Lazy Liza...
I made myself a peanut butter and milk smoothie. I used to love getting the boiled peanuts on tra...
I don’t want to animate this cause I didn’t use the background tool
Planes may be creating our storms when they are going in circles. “Hey come get your lost interna...
“That’s all Folks!”-Loony Tunes
(I wish I had this shirt) purple shirt with blue jeans and a large backpack
“A potato flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made”-Youtuber
Jeb says “ahhh, oh, mmm” what other things can you come up with?