

It's a whisp a Irish fairy that guides people into the woods they can be good evil or just there ...

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23 views - 2 years ago


Ok dude your arts flat and kinda boring you use single colored backgrounds you misunderstood my b...

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42 views - 2 years ago


Yes you have improved another thing is the fact you need anatomy not to be rude but you draw bean...

22 views - 2 years ago


Don't take this a mean way your arts cute but it needs more focus on it it seems to be quick scri...

10 views - 2 years ago


I love the cute aesthetic you and your sister have in your art but what you need to wrk on is put...

9 views - 2 years ago


Now don't take this as a mean comment it's not! What I mean by this is your art needs some anatom...

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25 views - 2 years ago


We've been friends on this app sense I got here so Ima give it to you real style, you need more b...

130 views - 2 years ago


I love your cute art style it reminds me of cute little stickers what I wish I saw more of in you...

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19 views - 2 years ago


Love the bright color palate but what you do need yes I sound like a bro ken record is some anato...

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16 views - 2 years ago


I love your cute little animations there awsome! Make sure to add shading and more new backgrounds!

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26 views - 2 years ago


Ok I love how smooth your art is I would like to see more complex backgrounds but other than that...

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19 views - 2 years ago


Ok dudeskee I love the gorgeous line art mabey you could do shading? That's about it on my part y...

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51 views - 2 years ago


Sexy hot gorgeous

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24 views - 2 years ago


Ok dudeskee what you need is some more body like anatomy usage and some more shading along with s...

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12 views - 2 years ago


Ok dudeskee I like how cute your art is but it seems all of your art is shit posts or just plain ...

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13 views - 2 years ago


Your arts cute but what you need is some more body type like try doing anatomy it may take a whil...

16 views - 2 years ago


I love your style the body's look awsome! And I love your color choice adding more backgrounds an...

15 views - 2 years ago


I love the bouncy movement in the animation but try to do more of drawn out outfits and hair make...

12 views - 2 years ago