Lazy--- your drawings are'nt porn unless they actually are showing people doing-- nvm but you don...
I'm also here dominik =__= just saying....
Oh gosh.. Just dont look it up ok? Please, for the sake of your innocence... >.<
No lazy never no no no no no its not omfg... -face palms- >.< oh dear lord..
Lmao you are terrible people!!!!! xD why would you--- omfg XD XD XD this is terrible oh god...
Dont you fucking tell her! Dont you fuck up her head I swear to god I WILL LEAVE RIGHT NOW! Dont ...
-teeny lazy (whom i'e named punkie pinky lol) sticks her tounge out at prince- ((lazy can I keep ...
Darn prince you got em all... ((stashes tiny pink lazy in my waterproof purse)) kukukuku.. >:D
Hmm -puts on my sweater- perf fit :D
Do the creep >:D so get up on your feet! Pull your waist band up like your expecting a flood and ...
((lol nvm my char will just mellows as a life char :P but i'll brb eating dinner))
The night one ^^ if that exists lol idk i'm making it up xP