Euh...ugh..sorry i was gona all day, i was busy watching SU(Steven Universe)
He was Originally made to be a body gaurd again, he's Bisexual and he freaking loves mario kart.
She's a trangender cat/human that was actually a robot made to be a body gaurd, she's Asexual and...
She suffers extreme anxiety and depression and she's Bi, she secrely loves steven universe and ha...
He's Asexual, He has a eating disorder and he has alot of panic attacks, he has a crush on a girl...
LEt me know which one of them you will be doing by saying the number
I will do mine after.
Please post an anime saying something nice about her because she's amazing, and if you don't know...
To help stop people from lying about their death for attention join this tag (i think that's what...
I changed my skin to greaan so please get used to it, also my timeline will have my oc's: Crimson...
Because when you go to someones account and fake your death irl, you're ruining their day by doin...
Nothing facy!
Also Angst is aloud! Just please don't make it seem like the end of the world.
Area:the roof of a house./ kind of rp: a sleepover/ snacks: Cola/Coke, Dr. Pepper,roobeer, sprite...
Age:19/p:hasDepression but dosen't show it/fact:she bottles up all her feelings until she explode...
Age:21/p:lives with her six siblings/fact: she freaking loves pugs/S: She dosen't date people./C:...