
  A Pyr0M4n14c


Fugg it
I'm just making separate drawings of each pose
Not a whole sprite sheet

7 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Da ghey bacon boi asked me to do sprites for Pyro
But I'm confused
Do u mean draw a sprite shee...

10 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Me back
Doubt anyone's online

4 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c


3 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Too bad har har har har

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5 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

But of course I have something to deal with that will ruin my day first thing in the morning

16 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

When I had no creativity when it comes to coming up with names
And Pyro's name used to be a SING...

8 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Me: *watches Sonic 06 and Kid Icarus uprising gameplay* O MY GAHHH. SOLARIS AND PYRRHON ARE KEWL....

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14 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

I've just been bursting with excitement for Tuesday

9 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c


I'm not talking about this anymore
I should stop being a petty bitch and whining about my minor ...

6 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

The reason I wanted to join that group was because someone who I thought was cool offered for me ...

7 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Anyways, I'm in for a pleasant chat with my teachers and the principal on Tuesday

7 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

But I don't have a group
Because my group excluded me because " I don't contribute"
How am I s...

9 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Ig I'll just be lacking human interaction both irl and online then

Since no one's on t...

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11 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c


I lied and said
"Nooooo. I need my phone for skewl again."
So ya. Hi some1

6 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Guess I gotta give mah phone up

11 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

I have the best taste in music
Hindi stuff slaps

10 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Shush. It's fine. It means uhm. Idk. You just have a weird yellow thing on your forehead until I ...

10 views - 7 months ago