
  Ninja Rukia☆

Snuggle with Blaze

11 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Sits next to Scar and watches

8 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Gets piss off and RAWRS!!!!!!!!!! At her and bit her then SWUNG HER IN TO THE CAGE WITH THE OTHER...

10 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Bites off Lazy and puts shadow on my back and Runs

8 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

It's like Zombies spreading and infecting ppl to become one

3 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Fine! Then bit their heads and swung them to a super thick Cage till we fine the cure!!!! Rawr!!!...

8 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Kills all the C thingys and and off with Lazys head! KILLS THEM ALL WITH GOD DAMN ANGER!!!!!

18 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Bite his arm off as I wouldn't spread the infection

12 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Turn into a wolf and grab the ppl that r not infected on my back and Sprints away as I shots Cann...

14 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Turn into a wolf and grab the ppl that r not infected on my back and Sprints away as I show Canno...

20 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

As midnight comes the full moon rises my Eye and Hair changes as I grab every body to the woods, ...

26 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Grab thems all and throw them out the window we ride on my horses away

12 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

I mean Watches as I laugh at that funny horror

16 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Watches as I light at that funny horror

12 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

I'm Actually part vampire too u know...?

12 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆


8 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Ok I'll Do a Rp with u guys XD

18 观点 - 11 years ago

  Ninja Rukia☆

Thanks guys

13 观点 - 11 years ago