((sneaks up behind lazy and glomps on her head)) narmgh 0<0 nummmm hmm what about... I kinda wann...
-smiles at lazy and squishes her cheeks again- never better!! :) wbu????? also hey Jett :P
Back ^^ I had to wash those damn dishes =.= but I are here now!!!!
Thats what I'm saying!! Omg i like lazy and all but sometimes... >.< I should go before I say som...
Ya I always hated that and oh dear lord I pray to you that lazy doesnt see this but I rarely like...
Oh, cool o: I wish Trancy was on... 030 bleh, anyways how'd the rest of last nights rp go? ^^
I hate draw cast :P its too hard for me to ANYTHING on that app so I stick to A.M.
It ok prince ^^ but gaw.. I'm bored -rolls over and flicks Aion- whats so funny... -w-
-I curl into a little ball and nessle into the icy snow surrounding me
and cry- maybe this is all...
-I stare daggers at Trancy- I never knew you.. -I cough and start shivering as I glare at him- .....
-my eyes flutter and I stare up at Trancy with dull eyes- who are you..? -Mustering the last bit ...
-blood trickles down my forhead and I wince in pain- mm..! -I collapse onto the ground, trembling...
-I wander around the plane searching for any unharmed supplies- shit... I dont even remember why ...
Thanks :) -I brush dirt off my pants and stand up- whew i'm just glad we-- -falls onto Trancy's s...
-I stare at prince- she knows she can -quivers- just let go right? She's like two feet off the gr...