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Life's a fucking misery
bro istg money is satans work . 1st you want 100 it's not enough you want 1000 than that's not...
abt the whole moonwolf shit they spammed me for no reason and when people wanna know the reas...
.. jace and ghost litterly two idiots
what did i do to them without even knowing they existed I wanna know the main reason why i got ...
and the silence off people bout to drift into storm right of darn nation a beast made off steel g...
When you got money Money buys you friends money buys happiness money buys everything
Does anybody chew on the inside off their cheeks . Like i do until it hurts and bleeds
To be a legend from who the storys are told even over a 1000 years a legend who will not die even...
Me and my 2 bros sometimes dress up in cloaks and put on masks and go on the streets to scare p...
Soon, you will come to know when the bullet hits the bone
Man and machine and nothing there in between The flying circus and a man from Prussia The sky a...
hurrrrrrrr haarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rammmmmmm The fridge got lost into the lava OH GODDDD 🚬🐔