TouhouFan (go 2 my new acco...
Also random thing my middle name is gray as in dorian gray And he has like turquoise, so my kirb...
I wanted kirby sappire to be its thing Because i started not liking having 2 sapphires bc its ki...
A reference if you want to draw crystal Also lost in time is connected to sailor moon So crysta...
Every 3 episodes there is a new chapter, each chapter will have a drawing to represent the next 3...
Ocean: So you wont give up huh! Then ill make you give up!! Crystal: So your a enemy!?
The sk...
Sappire and crystal are the same person, idk why i gave them different names. Although crystal ha...
Wand: well ive heard there is a evil energy here, probobly a moster of some sort Crystal: AAA!! ...
Wand: crystal, theres alot of things you need to learn. But for now we will just have to protect ...
Cat: crystal Crystal: H-Hpw do you knoe my name!
Cat: listen, you are the guardian of time. T...
Hey. Im crystal!! Im a guardian who protects this mysterious planet! Although im the only one h...
A guardian of a far away planet A guardian reincarnated on earth Untill one day the earth was d...
Bye cya later