See y’all in another like two weeks I guess
FOAMS AT THE MOUTH FOXXFXIIF like the only thing I’m excited for
I hate the thought of getting older, but I also really want to go to Olive Garden. This is very c...
Ngl the songs still go hard though fight me about it
Finally back on my medication pretty cool I guess it feels weird being slightly calmer I’ll get u...
Not the best feeling in the world
I seriously need to start writing this stuff down
It’s 4pm I like just got outta school like 40 minutes ago
Anyways I’m onna sleep because I like uh doing that I wish I could sleep forever that sounds fuck...
Back to the olden days of using my finger😢
It’s @kaboombbb uh I have like no idea how to work Instagram so
Apparently kurtis Conner hangs out with some N@zi guy so that was NOT fun to find out because his...
For a few days I’ll just be like really sad for no reason and just like REALLY want to kill mysel...
I used to get really bad urges to restart and make like millions of accounts idk why I never real...