
  A Pyr0M4n14c


6 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

I think this mf is a murder weapon to demons since
He's made 100% of tHe LiGhT oF DiViNItY


7 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Anyways. Apple Jay and I might become twins bc I'm sitting in front, close to the boards cuz of m...

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9 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Losing my phone privileges again today

10 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Everytime I look at Ecplise, I Am All Of Me starts playing in my head

12 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

I'm just joking
Obviously I don't have actual feelings for you because
I don't have feelings fo...

8 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

If you see this post, just know that just because you're brown doesn't give you the pass. I know ...

5 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c


Arguing with an old friend from primary school on the phone
Bruh. This mf has known me for 5 yea...

6 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

My cat brought a ded tree frog inside :)

7 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

You know how
In demon slayer the sun could literally eradicate a demon in seconds? So that ...

5 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Gah damn
Everyone's ded when I'm alive

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8 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Family gatherings suck
Anyways it's some dude i apparently know's 70th b day

8 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Now i hav a headache from screaming into mah mic for Bel's voice. Lovely. Anywho, y r ppl simping...

4 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Imma delete that voice recording thingy because i don't want the wrong ppl seeing it and adding i...

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10 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Pyro's edgy big bro but bad
I still gotta draw Eclipse on ibis, when I get motivation, that is :)

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17 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c


6 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Traumatic experience for the day: We were doing Character Descriptions and the teacher called me ...

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8 views - 7 months ago

  A Pyr0M4n14c

Also one last thing
Me angy cuz we're having movies tomorrow and my mom is still sending me to s...

6 views - 7 months ago