

and now your planet is doomed/j
1. let animals attack other animals
2. make more fruits...

6 views - 10 months ago


you get bored and you wanna make something on de planet
1. humans :)
2. mountains

6 views - 10 months ago



4 views - 10 months ago


it was supposed to be a joke rivalry
now it’s just getting stale

7 views - 10 months ago



4 views - 10 months ago


I am a rock

2 views - 10 months ago


if your reading this then im still a rock

3 views - 10 months ago


rn rn rn rn rn rn rn

8 views - 10 months ago


I banned that god wannabe guy from ever having powers again

8 views - 10 months ago


am back

5 views - 10 months ago


but then
2 animals died
and uh it’s soul is just wandering around the planet
where will animal...

4 views - 10 months ago


now there’s light and season can exist now!
the planet will be orbiting the sun for now
and goo...

11 views - 10 months ago


but then you realize (again)
they can’t really see because there is no light (you have the abili...

8 views - 10 months ago


you can’t think of which type
which type?
1. land animals
2. aquatic animals
3. land and aqua...

9 views - 10 months ago